Friday, October 12, 2007

The children

To start with, anyone who has 11 children has my complete and utter respect. Anyone who has 11 children and a career is beyond description. But a person with such a family, with her own business, who helps other women to go into business, who is prepared to speak out against injustice, who becomes a political prisoner and is still prepared to speak out again and again - is really something!

But what of her children?

Some made it into exile.

2 of her sons have been detained at the hands of the Chinese.

One of her daughters was forced to witness 2 other brothers being beaten, one so badly he was carried out on a stretcher. He has not been heard of since.

The daughter has been placed under house arrest.

My children are fine. They can say pretty much what they like, go where they like - the usual stuff.

How are yours?

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