This picture is of the England team being forced to give a Nazi salute in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Embarassing eh? A mistake definately. But we have learnt nothing. In 2008 it was announced that British Olympic chiefs are to force athletes to sign a contract promising not to speak out about China's appalling human rights record – or face being banned from travelling to Beijing.
Exactly what planet are they all on? Oh yes, its the ' let's be nice to China' planet. Never mind that the lack of fair trials are a serious concern, with thousands of people locked up in "re-education through labour" camps without any trial at all. Thousands each year are sentenced to the death penalty, even for non-violent crimes. Free speech remains severely curtailed, with around 30 journalists behind bars and internet users denied information and jailed for their blogs. And what about Tibet? What about the Uighurs? What about (dare I say it) common sense?
Yahoo, Google and Microsoft, who built reputations and vast fortunes on the principles of free expression and access to information, have trampled over their own ideals in the rush for a slice of the Chinese market. They shut down blogs and censor their own search engines - all in the name of ..... MONEY.
Well it's not good enough is it. Can we really tolerate this type of behaviour, and indeed become infected by it? If we allow our kow-towing to China to inform many more decisions we may as well hang our few remaining shreds of democracy in the National People's Congress of the People's Republic.
Remember that Nazi salute.